Action Network Introduction and Support

Just want to confirm if Action Network should be used for self registration by informed and committed XR members who are volunteering time and ideas to organising and administering our rebellion?

Or could it be used as a more general member database and tool to assist in managing general public expressions of interest and tracking follow up phone calls and emails to get support getting new members introduced to relevant Affinity Groups?

XR-ACT have been trying to manage with spreadsheets and phone up parties, but the record keeping is cumbersome and can get a bit messy. I saw a post in the global IT channel about a Client Relationship Management system coming in March or April, but if Action Network already provides the suitable tools we could adopt it.

In my opinion it’s best for managing general contact with your rebel base, and you are best off using other tools to keep track of your “core organizers” who do work in your working groups. You could also use it to track who’s done NVDA training and things like that for more targeted communications.
In Vic we are definitely not using Action Network for its full potential.

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Does anyone know of or have access to a kind of memorandum/guideline/agreement for use of AN - to ensure correct and proper use for XR purposes? :slight_smile:


I think there should be one - a privacy / proper use contract of some sort.
There’s some stuff about data safety in the guide’s above but no formal contract as far as I know.

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do you know who is in the group that could write one? Apart from @Chris who is a bit flat out?

Hi, took me a couple days but finally got round to watching the intro to Action Network. It looks like a really fantastic tool for us.
The relevant postcodes for the Frankston area would include;
3199, 3910, 3200, 3198, 3930, 3911

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@sam_clarke ball is rolling on this :slight_smile:


Hi Max. Qld created these guidelines:

Your comments appreciated

Hi Jem
Repeated message reply to Max.
Qld created these guidelines:

Your comments appreciated

Could you please create a publicly sharable link for this file? At the moment no one else is able to read this file.

You can create this link by selecting the ‘Share Icon’ (three connected dots) and then selecting ‘Share Link +’.

Sorry, everyone. Should be fixed.

Hi all, For XR Youth I have been trying to set up the activist list, but when I go to specify which state to include it only has states from the U.S even though in settings the default country is Australia. Does anyone know what the solution to this issue might be? Thanks

If I remember correctly, there’s a little hyperlink under the State select field that says “Not in the US?” and if you click it it lets you select Australia, or something.
For automatically adding people to their state group when they sign up on the website we specify using postcode ranges.

@ManicMax could you please edit the post to remove the above line? We have now migrated over to Action Network’s built-in mobile field so this no longer applies. Thanks!

From now on, we use the builtin Mobile Number field (aka can2_phone) for storing mobile numbers.

So should I change it to

can2_phone - Phone number provided to us on sign up.

Technically can2_phone is not a custom field, it’s a builtin field which is available to all groups. Maybe add another paragraph below the shared national field dotpoints:

We also use Action Network’s built-in fields First Name, Last Name, Email, Mobile Number, ZIP/Postal Code, City which are also shared between all groups.

@ManicMax Just a friendly reminder to edit the section:


I also suggest we remove Andy’s older Vimeo induction video, as it contains some shots of rebels’ personal data, uses an older version of Action Network, and is mostly superceded by the newer training videos.

Done, and removed Andy’s video.

I can also give you ownership of the original post if you’d like to have control over it?

Sure, thanks, I’m happy to maintain it.