As per the last National Working Group meeting I’ve had a chat with Shaun from the FSNP campaign about their needs, especially regarding Action Network and have a proposal about advancing access. This proposal is for review within the National IT Working Group (IT WG) and will then be taken to the National Working Group.
The IT WG now has credentials for the DoGooder page and is investigating how/if we can migrate/link this over to Action Network.
Campaign Needs
The FSNP campaign strategy is both decentralised and targeted.
Local groups can request campaign materials and participate in weekly national meetings. So there is a need to use XR’s infrastructure for things like forms, email communication, etc.
The campaign is also looking to target key electorates. Organisers are keen to work with local groups but need the ability to asses activity within those groups and identify existing organisers that they’re able to work with.
Setup a Fund Solutions Not Pollution Action Network group that sits under the XR Australia group. This group would be active for the duration of the campaign and then archived. Organisers within the campaign would have full admin access to the group but no existing rebels would be imported into it.
Grant key campaign organisers (limit to up to 3 people) with report permissions on the XR Australia group. This will allow organisers to determine rebel capacity within key electorates, see AN usage (events, emails, etc) within state/local groups and see contact details for organisers/admins within state/local groups.
Before access is provided campaign organisers would be required to watch the Action Network training videos.
Organisers would require consent to create events, reports, emails, etc. within any AN group that is not FSNP. Existing admins of those AN groups would be responsible for delegating access.