🌈 Paint the Streets: Ideas, inspiration & documentation

Hi there, I’m from the XR Oakleigh Group. Some other members of the group suggested I share these images of a local Spoonville that I came upon the other day. Perhaps it might provide some inspiration for potential action while in lockdown…

Take care,


Love the idea of adding to existing pop up installations in a way that fits in and hopefully will stay put

Hi everyone! I’m new here. I’ve been playing around with the idea of making little 3D burning houses to stick up with anti-gas messaging on them or next to stickers to draw attention. Would love some feedback on this! Not sure how long they’ll survive out in the world so don’t know if it is a very practical idea. Also would previously crinkled butchers paper be okay for making posters? We get lots with deliveries at work that I can save and distribute.



Hi Vicky, welcome… I’ve been thinking along similar lines and have been considering infiltrating and radicalising my local Spoonsville!


Thanks @jess! Yes! I saw the pic of that being done above. I have my eye on two near me. Houses struggled in the elements this week - put a heap out in support of school strike yesterday - but guess the look of destruction adds to the message :slightly_smiling_face:

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A mix of hand-drawn chalk messaging with stencils.
Our Moreland Rebels got down and got chalking! :pencil2: :mega: :raised_hands:t4:




Looks great Rosarie! Do you mind if I post these images to Twitter? XR Boston & XR Oakland are both following Join The DOTS: Democracy On The Streets and I am sure they would love to see what’s going on in Melbourne under lockdown. Cheers, Dan

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Of course Dan. Go ahead. :butterfly:

On ya Rosarie x

Hey there. I had a catastrophic computer collapse and I have lost all of my book marks. Where is the page where we can upload PDF artwork for Paint the Streets?

Is it linked somewhere on the Paint the Streets guide?
Or in the Art and Messaging for Autumn Rebellion?
Or the Campaign Packs.

Sorry those two topics are in an experimental open category for the next little while so that they can be shared publicly.

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Sorry for the double up

Continuing the discussion from :rainbow: Paint the Streets: Ideas, inspiration & documentation:

Make you very own A frame to support your next street stall action, for a material list and how to message me directly

Service station loction for a quick paste up

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Thanks Costas! Love ya work and your aubergine.

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Thanks Costas.

BTW Here is my latest project. Finished the top part and still have quite a lot of the bottom to go.

1.4m wide x 1.8m high (therefore on two sheets).

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Love you work

When are you going to make the move south?

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Soon …its going to be a blast