💚 Campaign Packs: Arts, Messaging and Actions Resources

Hi all,

Here is the first draft of the Murray-Darling Basin campaign pack.

I would love some feedback or ideas if anyone has a chance to look at it. In particularly I’m looking for ideas for slogans & hashtags.

It’s still missing artwork at the moment, but if anyone has any relevant pictures or anything please feel free to send them to me at benmurd@gmail.com

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:


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This is great, will certainly add it in! Thanks you @JennyFitz :green_heart:

Hi Rosaria, the social distancing dresses were made by XR Wingecaribee people. @anthea is a good contact in that group and can put you in contact with the designer.

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Hi @rosariarebel, Annmaree in Wingecarribee XR has the design for these and is very happy for them to be shared far and wide. She says they’re very easy to make.
She’s asked that you email her on annamareedalziel@gmail.com
We’re now calling ourselves the Sybil Disobedients after Michael Leunig’s beautiful recent cartoon :slight_smile:
<3 Anthea

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Hey rebels,
@Brooke_Thompson has just shared some posters made by Simon in Bondi. These are for sending to the print-shop, or printing fliers at home if you have a colour printer.
What do you think about adding these to the Gas-Pack? @kate_s @costasmaniatis @jess @jogarthwaite @bethal
:fire: :skull: :earth_asia: :money_with_wings:


Here’s something to do in response to :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Scomo’s death-led :skull: ‘recovery’ plan


Hey rebels seeking actions,
The Murray Darling Campaign Pack is now finalised and is good enough for now and safe enough to try. Thanks to @benmurd for taking charge of this pack. :raised_hands:t4: :tada:

Thanks also to @kate_s and @jess for their beautiful work on the document template and these awesome new images and stencils for posters. :fist:t4: :green_heart:

Although the Murray Darling river system is fundamental to our indigenous cultural heritage, ecological wellbeing, our food production and the economy, it has been plagued by water theft, misuse and other forms of corruption. Our research found that the major issues can be traced back to conservative politician’s decisions and mishandling. Now, there’s a surprise!
Have fun with this pack, rebels!


Hey rebels :mega: :hourglass:
The BadBanks :bank: :poop: Campaign Pack is now finalised and is good enough for now and safe enough to try.

Thanks to @jogarthwaite for taking a lead role in this pack, including this fantastic new image. :raised_hands:t4: :tada:

Thanks also to XRVicArts’ @kate_s and @jess for their beautiful work on the document template and arty images and stencils for posters. :fist:t4: :green_heart:

In their comms, the big four Bad Banks (ANZ, NAB, CommBank, Westpac) like to state their commitment to ‘sustainability’ while lending money to fossil fuel projects. Their actions alone will increase our emissions :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: and make it difficult for Australia to meet its Paris Agreement commitments.

To make matters worse, in late September, Josh Frydenberg announced he would dump the ‘responsible lending standards’ laws, restoring the banks’ capacity to misbehave. As if we needed yet another reason to make him a target for rebel action :face_vomiting:

Here’s the pack. Have fun with it :raised_hands:t4: :tada: :fire:


@Anthea knows about this.

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This BAD BANKS poster is so good I’m keen to do a version of it.
Does anyone have some slogans for the Budget? I suppose it ties in with Rosaria’s MISSING, A GREEN LED RECOVERY
In some training last week ‘thoughts and prayers aren’t enough’ was mentioned.
I’m not great at words but thought that it would be good followed up with ACT NOW. What do you reckon?


Hey Brook,
Thanks for the positive feedback for @jogarthwaite.

In terms of a budget response, what about riffing on ‘Business as usual = Death’, eg ‘Funding business as usual = Death’? This goes to the funding & tax breaks for big business.
The lack of focus on the CEE means we could use messages such as 'Extinction is forever’ together with ‘Join Extinction Rebellion’
Good wishes for your coming actions.
:green_heart: :fist:t4:

Thanks so much Rosaria,
I’ll get cutting

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Hey @RosariaRebel , is there a master list of the campaign packs somewhere?
I’d like to add them to the (work in progress but good enough for now) Action Cookbook.

If there’s not already, maybe the master list could live within the Actions Cookbook and I could give you edit access to curate the list?

Hey Max,
the master list lives in the Campaigns Table, currently in the national MM channel header. That table outlines various themes for actions. The table also tells us if a theme is in development, and by whom, and has a link to any finished pack.

I can’t think of any reason why there can’t be a master list in the actions cookbook too, although it might be better in a different format?

Anyway here it is:

Hey rebels,
I’m super excited to share the Black Friday, Over-consumption Pack with you. This is an international collaboration initiative between XR Campaigns Australia, XR Netherlands Fashion Action, XR NL Textile Rebellion, and XR Fashion Action UK.

Black Friday is the hideous, annual-shopping-frenzy event that represents so much of the toxic system that we want to bring an end to.

Related to the mass production that has brought us high carbon emissions, the poisoning of land and water, and exploitative labour practices, and including the use of psychology to create false needs in us and keep us enslaved in the endless game of consumption, Black Friday encapsulates the destructive, individualistic culture designed to maintain the current broken and toxic system.

In 2020, Black Friday is on November 27. We hope this pack will inspire rebels in their affinity groups to take action to make this Black Friday the last one ever!

Look out for the design pack, out soon, to accompany this action-document. For more information, send us an email at xraus-campaigns@protonmail.com


Hey rebels,
here’s another resource for the Black Friday Rebellion. A companion to the strategy doc described above, this one outlines the basic elements of a comedy sketch. What do you think @Bridget? @ageorge @Vee Does this have legs?

Hi Rosaria,

This is a really fun and colourful idea. I think that you have established some strong imagery and I love the groucho marx imagery.

My major concern is that the action doesn’t directly relate to a climate message.

For everyone here I think the links between capitalism and climate are very very clear, but for the general public, I do not feel like the link is strong enough.

My main concern is that many people will be passing by or busy with a list of stuff to get and not make the link. It would be great if the image could connect their actions to climate change at a glance.

There is a bit of an art to audience participation. You win hearts and minds when you can point to something wrong with the world and get people laughing with you. I think if we want everyone to join, and to be an ally, the interaction must not feel like an attack, but an acknowledgement that we are all stuck in this system and we all need to change it.

I don’t think the dialogue you have written is attacking anyone by the way, but there are a few moments where it could be interpreted that way if it was said in a particular tone.

Please don’t take these enquiries as criticism, more provocation. I love the overarching concept.

While I don’t have a good suggestion for linking your idea and structure to climate yet - I am going to throw a few totally implausible ideas around and see if it gets some better suggestions flowing.

The carts are full of ocean water and plush toy turtles with rubbish around them.

The cart has a burning tree in it?

The cart is filled with dry bones

Or just rubbish and toy animals from the op-shop

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I hope this is useful!

Thank you so much for asking for my thoughts!

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Bridget, I love your ideas. This sketch is a companion to a bigger outreach action, which we are preparing atm. I’d like to invite you to participate in the planning (weekly) and the action (Nov 27). We have our first planning meeting this Friday at 3:30 on zoom. If you can make it, I’ll shoot you the details :green_heart: :fist:t4:

Coal pack!

Reasons to target AGL. Some useful research.

AGL isn’t just Australia’s biggest energy company, it’s also our worst carbon emitter and responsible for the clear majority of the pollution incidents that have occurred at coal power stations in Victoria and NSW in the last five years.

New research by @Australia Beyond Coal has shown that AGL’s three power stations – Bayswater, Liddell and Loy Yang A were responsible for more than 70% of all pollution incidents that occurred at coal power stations in the last 5 years.

See the full list: coalimpactsindex.com.au

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