This post will be kept up to date with information about the XR Australia Mass Mobilisation Action Plans. Please check back here regularly and reply to this topic to get involved!
Australian Mass Mobilisation and Action
The Australian Mass Mobilisation (AusMM) is a joint project made up of rebels from all across the country, working on the twin tasks of mobilisation and action. The primary goal of the AusMM is to mobilize as many people as possible, from all communities across the country to rebel and carry out disruptive civil disobedience to force the government to accept Extinction Rebellion’s three demands.
The AusMM Actions Working Group is working on empowering groups around the country to take action in three broad waves.
Wave 1: Monthly Local Actions
We are in wave 1 now. This is a period of time in which new and existing local and affinity groups are supported and encouraged to carry out regular actions in and around their local communities.
In this phase, mobilisers are setting up new local groups.
Meanwhile, the AusMM Actions WG is communicating with local groups and affinity groups to help support groups into action.
Some major goals of these local actions are:
- To have as many as possible autonomous rebel groups with the skills, resources and confidence to carry out increasingly disruptive actions.
- To make communities aware of the climate and ecological emergency and mobilize them to rebel, thereby building effective rebel groups around the country.
- To normalize civil disobedience, shifting the overton window to make more radical action and demands socially acceptable.
We are encouraging new or existing groups to start organising regular disruptive actions on Civil Disobedience Saturdays - the first saturday of every month, or at any times that are appropriate to them!
To help this we have made some resources available:
The Actions Cookbook - a brief guide to some basic action designs to get new groups quickly into action.
National NVDA Trainings and NVDA Train the Trainer program via zoom. The first session just happened yesterday. Watch this space for the next iteration of the training.
Wave 1 Info Sessions
Sign up your affinity or local group! - We will contact you to help you get into action! (Alternatively, post a reply to this topic!)
Wave 1 Actions will continue on throughout the rest of the mass mobilisation, only pausing for needed regen breaks or when the major actions of wave 2 or 3 are being prepared or carrying out.
Wave 2: Major Disruption in Capital Cities
In wave two we will converge in our thousands to disrupt the state capital cities.
We will disrupt business as usual, with major goals of:
Put pressure on governments to respond to our demands.
Bring the attention of the public and the media back to the climate and ecological emergency and the need to take emergency action.
Demonstrate the power of civil disobedience resist the toxic system that is causing the destruction of our planet, mobilising people across the country to join us.
The opening salvo of wave 2 will happen before the end of 2020!
In a meeting of actions rebels from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Hobart last week, actions rebels agreed that there is a pressing need to carry out disruptive major disruptive action, with rebels in all cities wanting to hit the streets and disrupt before Christmas!
These actions will take place from late November to early December.
The exact details of these actions are being worked on now! Contact your state actions groups or reply below to get involved!
Due to the short time to leadup to major actions before the end of the year, it is likely that there will be a second, bigger iteration of wave 2 in the first quarter of 2021. This would most likely involve sustained mass disruption over several days or weeks.
Wave 3: Strategic Major Disruption
Wave three will be a major confrontation with the power that runs this country. What this looks like exactly remains to be determined: perhaps rebels from all across the country will pile-on into Sydney to shut down the biggest economic center for a month. Maybe the parliament in Canberra will be brought to a standstill. Maybe affinity groups will be simultaneously swarming fossil fuel infrastructure, or blocking ports or other critical sources of corporate profits.
Who knows? This kind of mass disruption needs the buy-in, and strategic planning of many thousands of rebels from across the country. And we need lots of rebels to be involved.
Wave three will be designed to have a reasonable chance of tipping the boulder of social change to achieve our demands.
When will it happen?
Not in the next few months, because we need time for mobilisers to get out and set up hundreds or even thousands of local groups.
But we know that there is not much time left to give us reasonable chance of preserving an ecosystem fit for human and natural prosperity. And we know that regardless of how much we build up the forces of our rebellion, our rebels will disrupt. At a recent discussion of this plan of action, there was 100% consensus to carry out Wave three before the end of 2021.
So let’s get started.
Get Involved
There are a few major ways to get involved.
- Discuss with your local group, or form an affinity group, to start carrying out actions as part of wave 1. Refer to the Actions Cookbook to get started.
- Get involved with your state actions groups to plan the major disruption in late November and early December. These major actions will be massively important in building on to the next major actions next year.
- Join the AusMM Actions Working Group. Post a reply to this topic, or message me, or email . We are looking for people to do NVDA training, improve the Actions Cookbook, do major action design, facilitate meetings, take minutes, improve communications with state and local groups, give action design trainings, track data, make our documents look nice! We need people!
- Join the Mass Mobilisation Project! - oh yeah, the rest of the AusMM working groups need people too!
- Become a Mobiliser! The Mobiliser and Outreach training begins 12th November. Check out the Mobilisation Manual if you’re interested.
- Join other XR groups - whatever is most appropriate to your skills, desires and context!
If you don’t have much time or energy:
If you don’t currently have the ability to be involved in organizing, just pass this information on to rebels you know - just copy and paste it.