❔ Where to go now?

I have to start this post with an apology because it’s been on my to do list for months - and the longer I put it off the the more I felt like putting it off because I was embarassed about putting it off. So I’m sorry to everyone that I dropped the ball on coordinating the Paint the Streets project - at some point during the confinement I became overwhelmed with commitments and decided to drop Paint the Streets - I asked one or two others to help by taking it over but they were also over-committed. I got deeper into coordinating the AusMM actions group and realised that when working on rebel groups in Australia from overseas I only have limited communications “bandwidth” and that it’s impossible to be deeply involved in more than one working group.

So that leaves me with the question of where to go now with Paint the Streets?

From where I sit it seems that the Paint the Streets Australia Guide is a very useful resource as it is, and the Arts group offering the Sunday Arts Sessions is also useful for anyone wanting to get involved in Paint the Streets activity.

I was thinking to encourage groups getting involved in the Aus Mass Mobilization to take up Paint the Streets as an arts and action based activity in their new (or old) local groups and refer people to these resources.

  • Are there other things people would like to do with Paint the Streets?
  • Is there a group of people who would like to take up the job of expanding and building Paint the Streets?

Let me know :slight_smile:


Welcome back to paint the streets Australia
MAX #PAINT THE STREET now part of the xr DNA.
The mass mobilization can make that connection with paint the streets Arts & Action as win win.

The Sunday Arts workshop is still very active and that could use a prompting paint it as child out session not formal learn, share ideas, vent a nd stay as long as you can
We have all the fucken inspection you need zoom in Australia and lets face this climate emergency together

Open up rebel you have nothing to loose

Hey, take it from me i have and mechanical engineering background now I am keen deep in colours and paint brushes.

Costas Maniatis
Rebel for life

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Hi Max and potential PTS actions coordinators…

I’ve always imagined PTS to have 2 ‘lobes’, and coordination to involve linking those two parts so they can benefit form each others strengths.
Here’s how it might look in a big picture way:

Here’s how it might look at he very start - or how new PTS off shoots might look:

Rebels who might be active like this and excited about GROWING the movement might turn some attention and energy to making ‘how to’s’ or other resources or systems to make it easier for people to get involved. Other rebels might want to start a targeted campaign on gas or News Corp or the banks…

But seeing as COVID has really put a spanner in the works - especially in Victoria - maybe a good approach might be to take a deep breath and a big step backwards: Hosting regular postering adventures - even if it’s just 2 rebels every second week - would be really cool and potentially easy* and fun way to reenergise once we’re out of lock down.

*relatively !


Hey @ManicMax,
I feel like the fairly recently established ‘Campaigns’ group is an extension of PTS because the PTS strategies are a key component of the campaigns. As per @jess vision, Campaigns picks up on the ‘making resources’ and engaging in ‘actions’.
Having said that, Campaigns is only one offshoot. Also, it would be great to integrate with people from other states because atm we are all rebels from Vic.
So, what am I saying?
I’m keen to work with people from other states to continue to grow the Campaigns and to explore what else we could do with PTS.