🖋 Graphics

There are a few ways you can go about making your own graphics. Many of the assets you have seen around are available in the Design Programme 1.1 (click through… there’s a lot in there!).

There may be some experienced design rebels that can help you with your idea, especially if you are going to print or if you’re going to invest a bit of money. Ask in the Mattermost channel (see below) for a :raised_hand:hand. When asking for help, please be mindful of timeframes and people’s capacity - keep the regenerative principle at the core of every action.

:hatching_chick: What you should download to get started :

:boom: The big ticket items for graphics are:

  • Crimson Text and FUCXED CAPS as your text
  • Sticking to the colour palette (no red unless you are a red rebel)
  • Not using the logo for anything that you sell (you can give or barter things away though)

:honeybee: There are a few tools & templates for non-designers to have a tinker with:

:speaking_head: Connect: Ask for help or chat to other rebels on Mattermost channels:
(you will need to be logged in to Mattermost in the relevant state/national team)

National: Nat-Graphics
VIC: Arts-Graphics
Other states: Please add details! Click the pencil below this post to add a link for your state.

Got something to add? This post is an editable wiki - click the pencil icon below right to add/edit. Or post it in a reply below :point_down:


Hey! I am looking for a wordpress artist to help with a pledge website for our next mobilisation.
contact me violetpeace@protonmail.com