Federal electorate and MP data in Action Network

To help groups organise actions in the lead-up to the federal election, we have uploaded information about each person’s federal electorate and their current MP into Action Network.

This could be used to target emails to rebels in a particular electorate, or to let people know where their MP’s office is in case they want to pay a visit :slight_smile:

This information is stored in the following custom fields in Action Network:

Field name Meaning
Federal election 2022: electorate The person’s federal electorate, based on their postcode (but see note below)
Federal election 2022: MP title Title (eg Mr, Ms, Dr) of the current MP for the electorate
Federal election 2022: MP first name First name of the current MP for the electorate
Federal election 2022: MP surname Surname of the current MP for the electorate
Federal election 2022: MP email Current MP’s email address
Federal election 2022: MP phone Phone number of the current MP’s electorate office
Federal election 2022: MP office address Street addres of the current MP’s electorate office. Note: this is a street address, not a postal address. Many MPs have PO Box addresses for mail.
Federal election 2022: MP party Current MP’s party

Note: The electorate field is not 100% accurate. Postcodes were used to match people with their electorate, but some postcodes span more than one electorate, so it is not always possible to determine a person’s electorate just from their postcode. The electorate listed in Action Network (and the corresponding MP) is the most likely electorate based on the person’s postcode - the electorate which contains the largest percentage of the postcode’s population (using this data). Still, it is probably 95+% accurate.