XR Vic Debrief
(Wednesday 31st May - here is a fun recording you could watch of the de-brief sharing as well. … . De-brief LIVE Youtube
How did you feel during the week of rebellion?
- The culture was good.
- Supported
- Excited, excited excited
- Motivated
- Relieved that we weren’t ignored
- Emotional and cohesive
- Moved and inspired to do more
- Rollercoaster of emotions, annoyed and angry
- Grateful (esp to campers)
- Very nervous
- Disappointed about numbers
- Felt had common purpose
- Busy
- Empowered
- Exhausted
- Powerful
- Alive
How did you feel after the week?
- Tired +++
- Exhausted ++
- Proud +
- Excited about XR Youth +++++++++
- Impressed at achievement
- Satisfied
- Exhilirated, impressed, drained, relieved
- The feeling you get after everyone leaves
- Hopeful to mobilize and bring people back +++
- Doubtful of impact
- Quantity
- Type
Highlights of the week
- Being arrested +++
- Taking Cole St
- Seeing youth on friday ++++++++++++
- Jumping into the fountain ++++++
- Execution of solidarity swarm++
- Especially the swarmers arriving - was amazing
- Generally all actions well-organised and well-executed
- Having Uncle Bill on board
- Getting things right from a First Nations Perspective - big improvement from Spring Rebellion
- Signups
- Outreach and cheering from the public
- New XR Youth ???
- Karen on the friday morning ++++++++++++++++++
- When rebel riders came and joined us ++++
- Jane’s speech at Bourke St for Murdoch thing - very rousing, rebel-rousing
- Meeting other rebels
- Dancing to Extinction with the symbols
- Youth march, women’s march
- Photo of Murdoch in the Guardian
- The trust action
- Really instrumental
- Discobedience
- Signups on paper
- Spontaneity of rebels
- Boat in fountain
- Practicing disco-moves at cop shop
- Little council action
What to give a better experience next time?
- More people to share night-watch shifts.
- Small number of campers meant everyone had to do a shift each week
- Free bagels
- Fundraising
- Designated social space at the campsite
- Less rain
- Being clearer about whether we were having an effect
- Being clear about what we wanted to achieve - so that then we could measure whether we achieved it
- Forecast, metrics, measurement and evaluation to define success
- Regular feedback / updates during the week
- Do some stuff on private land to have a bit of a festival
- People’s assemblies
- Accessibility
- Really hard to get people into actions that were planned in secret
- Hard to up-scale
- By end of week were receiving calls non-stop asking when people could get arrested
- Very small group of organisers
- Mobilisation strategy at camp
- Standing ground with the council
- Keeping camp there for longer
- More than 2 people doing sound tech +++
- Having a regen team (thanks to arrestee support team)
- Having more organisers before-hand
- Having more teams to cover outreach table and other things
- Being more disruptive
- Low coverage by media was pretty disappointing - could we make that better?
What worked for us as a movement?
- Colour
- Having young people for messaging
- We punched above our weight considering the numbers
- Did a good job of working out what we could do with the numbers we had
- Community was strong
- Joyous rebellion, felt good
- Some mainstream TV coverage
- Messaging was much improved
- Leadership stayed calm and thought on their feet
- All the art, beautiful banners, barbecues, masks, sybil disobedients
- Credentials as non-violent movment
- Non-violent discipline
- Good how local groups and AG’s organised each action
- Central area in Carlton Gardens, good signage
- Had some people at Murdoch action get re-arrested
- Having an office was awesome
- (how about having a workshop?)
- Morning bike-rides worked well, self-sustaining, people could easily join in and they ran well
- Singing was powerful
- XR Families
- Dale for showing up
What can we do better?
How do we deal with people who have problematic behaviours?
How do we better manage aggressive people, e.g. with tripod action.
Having such a big police presence can endanger certain communities
- There was an aboriginal woman who was arrested who might not have been if we weren’t there
- And a drunk who was arrested
If you are arrested have good signage to show what you’re getting arrested for, for the photos
Safety first
Stand our grounds more
Hear about the strategy, what did we want to achieve? So that we can tell if it was successful or not.
Some kind of space for non-hardcore members (NB: WE LEARNED THIS AT THE PRINCES BRIDGE)
More outreach
Marshalls were barricaded away from people by police.
- How can people join us?
- Block signs from public and cameras
- Maybe some high up flags that say CLIMATE CRISIS
More people on the street
More arrestees
More on CA’s
More rebel ringers to increase signups
Is disruption such as occupying intersections still effective?
Practice training
- E.g. in 2019 there was training from Steve Tabernacle / Spooky Men’s Choir
More emphasis on creative actions
More flyers
Bring drums to everything
Thinking about how to create dialogue with power
- Only politicians who responded to were Sally Capp and Adam Band and Angus Taylor
- How do we have a dialogue with them when they refer to us?
- How do we get our spokes onto Q&A, 7:30 report, etc
- How do we get our response to Angus Taylor into the media
- Idea: Doing our own press-conferences
- E.g. a press-conference of our own at the action, invite channel 9 and 7 over to listen in - situation theater.
- Idea: Doing our own press-conferences
More workshops
More disruptive locations e.g. Punt Rd
Or move to leverage disruption against particular culprits e.g. Rio Tinto, etc.
Sustained disruptions that can be sustained without too many arrests.
Decentralized actions e.g. 4 tripods in different places.
Strategic locations, choke-points for the city
Film screenings
Strategy for when police are violent
Incorporate more art into actions, making actions look beautiful
More regen after actions
More regenerative or outreach actions e.g. street party
Targeted actions until we get our numbers up.
- For some people all we’re doing is disrupting the traffic and the messaging isn’t clear
- Murdoch actions got good feedback from punters.
Lack of training opportunities
- And lack of knowing how to get training
Find a way to get the message across to the general population
Targeting population complacency - something that emotionally connects people
- Targeting primary schools - outreach actions at school fêtes
- Pram parades
- Parents with kids on their shoulders
XR Music over speakers rather than ra-ra stuff (controversial)
- Ra-ra stuff can get people in