Community organising during the COVID-19 outbreak

:arrow_forward: Summary:

In times of crisis, communities can come together to support one another. Organising communication is the first step to unifying a community.

:eye: The objective:

  • Making sure everyone (especially the most vulnerable) are supported in their community, and that support carries on throughout the outbreak.
  • Trying to minimise contact to minimise the risk of spreading the virus while weā€™re supporting each other. Thereā€™s evidence showing that a lot of people donā€™t have symptoms but can still be carriers of it, so even if you feel fine, play it safe.

:hammer_and_wrench: The tools :

Some of the XR UK people are maintaining this unofficial guide to self-organizing community support during COVID:
Here is an easy to follow flyer:

And a more in-depth document with more ways communities can start cooperatives and mutual aid groups:

Once you have a group please list it on and

:xr2: The action :

Anyone can organize these actions at any level of engagement, and everyone can play a role.
Public health reminder: ā€œPrioritise safety: Community care is about preventing the spread of Covid-19 and providing support for the most vulnerable. Before engaging in a mutual aid project, please familiarise yourself with Queercareā€™s guidelines on how to support others without spreading the infection. Those who are self isolating can get involved in online or phone based organising.ā€ (lovingly copied from )

We invite you to appoint display and action coordinators by local group in order to be able to reproduce these actions more easily

:dart: Join the action:

Register your local group here:

:large_blue_diamond: Name of the local group
Contact person to contact:
Action Network / RSVP Form for the action:
Your dates:
Tag your local group: @

[Note: A list of local groups, contact people for them and dates follows, with the groups tagged in the post. ] (add Action Network link)

Additional Information :

Please copy and paste and register your local groups above

:dart: To join an action:

All the actions proposed on this space are decentralized. The posts are in wiki (which means modifiable by clicking on the small pencil at the bottom right) and you will find at the bottom of each a section to be filled in directly in the original post to add your local group to the action.

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