💡 Arts general discussion & inspiration

:zap: The XR Design Programme is a great place to start thinking about art & design within XR. Click through… there’s a lot in there!

Then check out some of the inspiring videos and discussions around XR arts…

:film_projector: Videos

:keyboard: Blogs & other sites

  • Body Politic - Miles Glyn’s blog, lots of discussion & useful resources around making printing blocks & Arts Factory stuff

:eyes: Instagram accounts & hashtags

Found something inspiring or thought-provoking? Post it here! :point_down:


Great 15min video The Language of Protest focussed on XR, about how protest movements communicate a message… featuring some well-spoken talking heads and lots of lovely shots of the XR UK Fashion Action team, large-scale block printing, arts factory goings-on, placard-making etc.
:film_projector: https://youtu.be/zVWfMQKiKGc

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I’m keen for input from Arts group about how Local groups should engage with Arts. I understand there is movement to being ‘arts support’ and having campaign packs ready for local rebels to use - i think this is brilliant. I’m seeking feedback on the description of arts in a local group/XR in general and would love input. This is for the AusMM manual. It’s in comment mode, please add suggestions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a4jKxN3BWqL91kybo4IOY_2vqbMTLSfXvgwBJwEGGkY/edit @jess_h et al

:wave: just replied on mattermost @ageorge - we’ll check in with you after our next Arts Support meeting. And just in case anyone else is reading it here and is interested, Arts Support WG are working on some resources that might (will?) be great for new groups, perhaps to go alongside AusMM manual or somehow get to groups early in their formative days/weeks… :seedling: :rainbow:

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We can link to it in the ‘living’ manual :slight_smile:

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