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Hi, I’m trying to establish an indexable and structured document management repository for XR-Macedon Ranges (see my qualifications - https://base.ausrebellion.earth/u/Bill; Curriculum Vitae) where up-to-date/necessary/useful information can be quickly located with a minimum of effort. I presume that base.ausrebellion.earth is the appropriate tool, however I can find no user documentation on its capabilities or how to use them, nor is it even clear what application is being used to support this environment.
At he outset I need:
- A ‘private’ folder visible only to members of XR-Macedon Ranges (so as not to confuse everyone else with what will be a work in progress)
- The ability to create a hierarchically organized ‘table of contents’ (e.g., typical folder tree) of several levels. What I can see in Base only provides XR-Vic, XR-MR, and a single level of ‘topics’ within XR-MR - with no hint as to how these could be further subdivided. I gather that Google Drive is the ultimate repository (which is probably a good choice for robustness, scalability and capabilities). Is Base a Google Docs application?
- The ability to create a reasonable taxonomy of easily searchable tags. The ones provided are generally not appropriate.
I would be happy to meet face-to-face to help get my brain around XR’s technology environment- but do I understand that you are now working from Paris? I can do Zoom, but as yet I am still far from proficient with it.
Also, once I’m reasonably happy that we have a genuinely functional repository structure, I’d be happy to see it shared with the rest of XR.