One last thing before you jump into the forum.
XR’s success is built on generous donations of time, expertise and resources.
Some practical ways to help include:
Volunteer. Even small donations of time can make a difference. You can:
Get involved in your local group
Register your availability to help out with state and national co-ordination tasks.
(We will add a dedicated subforum for this, but for now just post in the relevant place for what you want to help with.)
Resources. Please contact your regional group if you can assist with:
Information about venues that are suitable and available for meetings, training, conferences, etc.
Donations and loans of equipment and materials (3D printer, laser cutting, screen printing, cameras, audio equipment, fabric, tarpaulins, etc.) to support arts, actions and training.
Donations. Financial support is always welcome. Donations are mainly used to rent spaces and purchase equipment and materials to support training, outreach and actions. Places to donate:
(Note: please message @staff to have your state group’s donation link added here.)
With love and rage
You’ve finished the First Steps!
If you ever need help with ANYTHING, press the red ‘HELP’ button at the top of any page for help from our friendly HELPer Team
Or email us at
Please provide as much detail as possible about the issue you are having.